Institute Programs

Qualification Accreditation Scheme

Qualification Accreditation Scheme

About the Scheme

An important role for any profession is nurturing the specialist knowledge that marks it out and overseeing the scope and quality of education for those entering the profession.

Through its Qualifications Accreditation Scheme (QAS), the Institute accredits environmental qualifications suitable for entry to the environment profession.

Becoming an environmental professional?

The environment profession is a worthy choice of a career. Environmental practitioners have ‘moral purpose’ in society, as respected scientists who inform decisions at all levels about the resilience and sustainability of the planet. It is well remunerated with global career opportunities.

Below is a short video about studying to be an environmental professional from the Australian Council of Environmental Deans and Directors:

Environmental science, environmental management, and environmental sustainability are fields of undergraduate and postgraduate study in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand by which people enter the environment profession.

The scope of the EIANZ Qualifications Accreditation Scheme covers university courses/programs in environmental science, environmental management, and environmental sustainability. Qualifications in these fields are not the only entry pathway to the environment profession. They are, however, a useful beginning point for the profession to influence the scope and quality of the education of those seeking to make a career in these fields.

The Qualifications Accreditation Scheme is an EIANZ program established by By-law 17 – Qualifications Accreditation Scheme to achieve this purpose.

The Qualifications Accreditation Scheme Board

The Scheme is administered by a Board consisting of members from across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, representing both academic and professional interests. The Board includes a nominee of the Australian Council of Environmental Deans and Directors. It comprises:

  • Jon Womersley (QAS Board Chair) | Womersley Environmental Management, QLD (Past President EIANZ)
  • Prof Chris Frid | Prof of Marine Biology, Griffith University, QLD (Representing the Australian Council of Environmental Deans and Directors)
  • Mr Clive Cook | Director of Clive Cook Consulting, QLD
  • Prof Diane Pearson | Director of postgraduate program in Environmental Management, School of Environmental Sciences, Massey University, New Zealand
  • Prof Emeritus Helen Ross | School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability, University of Queensland, QLD
  • Dr Katrina O'Mara | Senior Lecturer, School of Science, Edith Cowan University, WA
  • Prof Samantha Capon | School of Environment and Science, Griffith University, QLD

Accredited courses

Find out which courses have already been accredited →

Applying for accreditation

Applications to participate in the scheme are invited at any time from universities across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

Find out more about applying for accreditation here →

Find out more about the fees here →

Relevant documents

Further information

Further information can be obtained by contacting the Qualifications Accreditation Scheme at